Middle Level Band
Membership Requirement
For a student to participate in KMEA honor groups the sponsoring teacher must be an active member of the Kansas Music Educators Association.

Middle Level Band


At the June 2024 NEKMEA Board Meeting, the board took the following actions:
  • The board approved a 7th grade honor band and an 8th grade honor band.
  • These bands will be director/school nominated.
  • Each school will get up to 12 nominations per grade level.
  • All nominating schools will get at least one musician selected per band.
  • The 9th grade honor band will no longer exist. 9th graders will need to audition for a spot in one of the 3 NEKMEA HS honor bands.
7th Grade Band
Clinician: Jena McElwain, Prairie Trail Middle School, Olathe, KS
Spy Games by Ralph Ford
Winter Winds by Randall Standridge
Awake the Iron by Scott Watson
Rock Star arr. Steve Frank

8th Grade Band
Clinician: Paul Aubrey, Prairie Star Middle School, Leawood, KS
Jambo, Rafiki! by Amy Webb
Three Minutes to Midnight by JaRod Hall
Snow Globe by Robert Sheldon
Squirrel Chase by Carol Brittin Chambers

Important Dates
Sep. 9 - Business Meeting @ Lawrence HS
Oct. 10 - Nomination Deadline - $10 participation fee per selected student
Dec. 7 - Mini-Conventions (Bands @ Topeka-Seaman HS)

Event Description
The Middle Level Bands (7th Grade Band, 8th Grade Band) provide an honor band experience for top-performing students from each nominating school. Students will have approximately 4 hours of rehearsal with an accomplished local band director, concluding with a concert. Music is distributed through band directors in advance, and students are expected to have prepared their parts before arriving. Directors may nominate up to 12 students for participation in each band (12 for 7th grade, 12 for 8th grade). Students are selected based on rankings and detailed information provided in nominations. All nominating schools will get at least one musician selected per band.

All nominations must be entered online in the KMEA Members site. Nominate top-performing students who will be an asset to the group and will contribute and learn from working with an outstanding music educator. Directors, please provide detailed information in your nominations that will best represent each student's ability. (i.e. practical range, other honor band participation, private lessons, other outstanding qualifications). The list of accepted students will be posted on the website and emailed to nominating directors within one week of the nomination deadline. At least one student will be accepted from each nominating school. Nominating directors must be a current member of NAfME. Directors, please ensure your students will be available to attend the event before nominating them.

Eligible percussionists are students who are strong in all percussion specialties: mallets, timpani, and snare drum. Each selected student will be assigned a mallet part, snare drum part, bass drum or accessory, and other instruments per repertoire requirements. Nominated students would be expected to play any instrument.

Participation Fee
Each selected student will incur a $10 participation fee. Please send one school check payable to NEKMEA to the chairperson (address on this screen) AFTER rosters have been posted. Use our Invoice Generator to create your printed invoice. Do not send money until you receive the results and you know how many students you have participating. Student participation fees must be paid before rehearsals begin.

Event Location & Schedule
Topeka-Seaman High School
4850 NW Rochester Rd
Topeka, KS 66617
  • 8:00 AM - Middle Level Bands begin rehearsals; breaks and lunchtime included
  • 1:00 PM - Concert
Students should arrive in the morning between 7:30-7:50 AM to check in, purchase lunch, and find their seats. Student lunch may be purchased on-site at morning arrival/registration (Cost for lunch is TBA). Concert tickets may be purchased at the door for $1.

What to Bring
Honor Band members will need to bring the following to the event:
  • Your Instrument & Music that was mailed to you. No extra music will be provided.
  • Folding music stand! No music stands will be provided.
  • Show up in the morning wearing your school concert uniform, concert black, or black pants/skirt and a white dress top.You will not have a chance to change clothes before the concert.
  • Percussionists will need to bring all mallets, sticks, and any instruments they play. Bass Drum, timpani, and mallet keyboards are the only instruments that will be provided. Each participating percussionist will be assigned an instrument to bring in addition to their personal materials.
Performance Repertoire
Selections will be chosen from the following:
8th Band

7th Band

KMEA Membership Requirement

The NEKMEA board voted to require membership in NAfME-KMEA in order to register students for NEKMEA honor groups. This is in line with the KMEA policy requiring membership in order to register students for KMEA All-State ensembles.

  1. Join NAfME. Indicate Kansas in your membership profile.
  2. Set up an account in the KMEA Members website. This creates a connection between your NAfME profile and KMEA's registration systems.
  3. After creating an account in the KMEA Members site, select your district affiliation so you may participate in elections.
  4. When registering students for NE district or All-State ensembles, your NAfME ID will be part of the registration.
  5. Do not wait until the deadline day to start this process!
Collin Watgen
Lawrence-Billy Mills MS
2734 Louisiana St
Lawrence, KS 66046
w: 785-832-5450
Important Dates - ML Band
Sep. 8, 2025 - Mon
Business Dinner & Meeting
Lawrence HS
5:15 PM - New Teacher Meeting
6:00 PM - Dinner
6:45 PM - General Business Meeting
7:00 PM - Breakout Sessions (Band, Choir, Orchestra)
Dec. 6, 2025 - Sat
Choir: Topeka HS
Orchestra: Topeka-Washburn Rural HS
Band: Topeka-Seaman HS

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