Membership Requirement
For a student to participate in KMEA honor groups the sponsoring teacher must be an active member of the Kansas Music Educators Association.

High School Choir


Colin Knoth, Ohio State University

Important Dates
Sep. 9 - Business Meeting @ Lawrence HS
Oct. 6 - Audition Registration Deadline ($10 per audition)
Oct. 20 - Audition Registration - Late Deadline #1 ($20 per audition)
Nov. 8 - Audition Registration - Late Deadline #2 ($35 per audition)
Nov. 9 - Audition Registration - Late Deadline #3 ($50 per audition)
Nov. 9 - HS Auditions @ Eudora HS-MS
Dec. 7 - Mini-Convention (Choir @ Topeka HS)

Audition Registration
All auditions must be registered online in the KMEA Members site.

Audition Blocks
Audition Blocks 2024-2025 (pdf)

Audition Selections

Treble Voices Tenor/Bass Voices
I Dream a World
André Thomas
Heritage Music Press

Measure Me, Sky
Elaine Hagenberg
Elaine Hagenburg music G-EH1014
Measure Me, Sky
Elaine Hagenberg
Elaine Hagenburg music G-EH1014

Beati Quorum Via
Charles Villiers Stanford
Boosey & Hawkes 48009382

Additional Selections

Let the River Run
Craig Hella Johnson
SATB, Hal Leonard 08754596

Nancy Hill Cobb
TTBB, Santa Barbara SBMP1025

KMEA Membership Requirement

The NEKMEA board voted to require membership in NAfME-KMEA in order to register students for NEKMEA honor groups. This is in line with the KMEA policy requiring membership in order to register students for KMEA All-State ensembles.

  1. Join NAfME. Indicate Kansas in your membership profile.
  2. Set up an account in the KMEA Members website. This creates a connection between your NAfME profile and KMEA's registration systems.
  3. After creating an account in the KMEA Members site, select your district affiliation so you may participate in elections.
  4. When registering students for NE district or All-State ensembles, your NAfME ID will be part of the registration.
  5. Do not wait until the deadline day to start this process!

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