Membership Requirement
For a student to participate in KMEA honor groups the sponsoring teacher must be an active member of the Kansas Music Educators Association.

HS Choir Audition Procedures

The audition pieces and information concerning the mp3 practice files may be found by visiting

Audition Blocks
Students and chaperones should report to the auditorium on the day of auditions at the time indicated for their school. Students should bring audition music and a pencil. Dress is casual. Packets containing the cuts, final instructions, and student audition numbers will be available to directors at the registration table in the lobby 30 minutes prior to the audition block. Audition cuts will be emailed to teachers the day before auditions. Students should confirm cuts with printed list and make sure music is marked accordingly.

Teachers will distribute audition numbers to their students. Students will then move into the auditorium to receive instructions and to hear a recording of all audition passages. Recording will be played at 8:00am and 10:30am. After the excerpts for each part have been played, students will be called by number and escorted to the audition rooms. Once students are in the auditorium for instructions, teachers should report to their assigned workstations.

Auditions are blind; students will not see judges, and judges will not see students. No student should speak, or move into the view of judges, while in the audition room. The door monitor will announce the student's audition number. The audition is performed with an mp3 file that plays the accompaniment. Three judges will individually rate the student's performance. Rating sheets will not be available to teachers or students. Students will then move to the designated room for their sight-singing portion of the audition. If you have a student who is visually impaired, please contact the high school vocal chair prior to the audition so the necessary accommodations can be made.

Audition results for the KMEA Northeast District choir will be posted on the district website by Monday morning or as soon as possible. Please do not call or have students call asking when the results will be posted. Results for the All-State Choir will be posted on the state website later in December.
NEKMEA District: (this website)
KMEA State:

Participation in District Choir
Additional pieces will be performed by the Northeast District Choir and will be listed on the HS Choir Repertoire page. Preparation is key to the success of these additional pieces. Students must fully participate in the district mini-convention in order to remain eligible for the All-State Choir in February. This includes being on time for all rehearsal sessions, behaving in a professional manner, and remaining in attendance for the duration of the district concert.
Rachel Naughtin
Baldwin City HS
415 Eisenhower
Baldwin City, KS 66006
w: 785-594-2725
Important Dates - HS Choir
Sep. 9, 2024 - Mon
Business Dinner & Meeting
Lawrence HS
5:15 PM - New Teacher Meeting
6:00 PM - Dinner
6:45 PM - General Business Meeting
7:00 PM - Breakout Sessions (Band, Choir, Orchestra)
Nov. 8, 2024 - Fri
Audition registration - Late deadline #2 — HS Choir
$35 per audition
Nov. 9, 2024 - Sat
FINAL Audition Registration Deadline — HS Choir, HS Band, HS Jazz Band, HS Orchestra
$50 per audition
Nov. 9, 2024 - Sat
District HS Honor Group Auditions
Eudora HS & Eudora MS
Dec. 7, 2024 - Sat
Choir: Topeka HS
Orchestra: Topeka-Washburn Rural HS
Band: Topeka-Seaman HS

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